Thursday, June 18, 2015

Colombia is fantastic. By: Ivan Alexander Laverde G Date: 06/18/2015

TITTLE:   Colombia is fantastic.
My country Colombia is privileges by the geographics position. It’s has a great vary the weather, geographic’s zone and have a big amount bio diversity of animals species, rocks and plants. 

It’s for (razon) that the people can swimming in the sea, I preffer San Andres island but Colombia has a other beautiful places how Santa Marta, Bahia Solano, Malpelo island (the area that most have animal species marinas).  But, too is possible swimming in the rivers (not all), I recommend the cano Cristal and  too is possible in the lakes how represa de Prado.  Other activities that you can doing is scube diving, fishing, kayaking, surfing,  walk in the sand(arena) and between other.   You can see a lot of fish species, whale is pacific area in the months agosts.  

You can hiking in the forest of our chain of mountains (Colombia has three chain mountains), I snow the Nevados Nature park’s, Sierra of the Macarena, Nudo of the Paramillo, these places I recommend.  Colombia have a lot of mountains. You can also hunting is allow areas how Nevados Nature park, you can fishing or you do picnics.

Too, have a desert, for examples desert Tatacoa and Guajira area.  You can walking but is difficult for the hot, but the culture of the Guajira is special.

Another area in my country is the flat area: Easters Llanos, in this area have a lot of ranch.

Tittle: Colombia is fantastic     By: Ivan Alexander Laverde              date: 06/18/2015


  1. Alvaro Restrepo said: Excelent work!! Beautiful places.

    Good introduction. I have doubt in the last part of the second paragraph: "whale is pacific"
