Friday, July 17, 2015

By: Alvaro restrepo - Education level vs better job

Education level vs better job

I think that it is true. The best job opportunities required a good education level; however, for me, the better job is when you are occupied in something that you love to do. I know people with important level in study have important jobs, but they do not have passion for their jobs; Also, I know people low study level but very happy with their job.

Finally, for me, education level and study level are different. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Education vs Good job - By: Lina Orozco

 This thesis not is true. The best students sometimes can not get a good job. A good education without experience not is enought. Finally the more education that want gets the better job you find and more difficult the remuneration.

Monday, July 13, 2015

By Luz Maria

I life is fantastic. I have many things and behaviors to change. Because i 
learned one by one, that the idea is to continue and arrive to the end of the rainbow
 to be happy! It is difficult for me to recognize that sometimes i am strong with myself, i judge me. It is necesary to feed my self-esteem,accept the things i can not change and move forward, because if i not love me,as others will do. I'm trying to acomplish every
 day to increase my self-respect and value me a bit more.

People do not change, people can modify their conducts, or reactions. By Adrian Ramirez

People do not change, people can modify their conducts, or reactions.

This is a reason because I cannot change, but I can modify the shape of react in certain circustanses where my emotions are stronger than me, for example I have a serious problem, I get angry easily. I need to learn to calm down quickly to modify my conduct.

For this I said "People do not change. People can modify their conduct o reactions."

By Alvaro Restrepo

A change in my life

If I could change one thing about myself, I would try to be more attentive with my family. I should share more time with them. Today I acknowledge that this is a really important a I try to be closer to them. Fortunately, I noticed in time. I am doing things to be attentive with them, and achieve this change in my life.

LIFE IS SHORT By:Ricardo Date:july 13

If I could change one thing about myself, I would change my shyness. I would learn to sing, to dance and to play musical intrument. I would enjoy this more of the nature and friends.
Anyway is never too late, from today I will not be shy.

If I could change one thing about myself. By Ivan Alexander Laverde G. Date: 07-13-2015

If I could change one thing about myself.

In this age, the communications are essentials in everyday life,  if a person does not express his feeling, and ideas, it could be isolated, and lose a good opportunities of jobs or changes in his life.
In my case, I will talk more, and I will have more friends, but I need help, because my voice es very soft and the other persons do not listen to me.
Shyness is a problema that must be confronted, so it if is necesary, you must search help.  But, the change is internal.